Thursday, 10 May 2012

Give Him Space And He'll Come Back!

Why If You Leave Him Alone He'll Come Back

When a guy pulls away, the absolute worst thing you can do is start pushing him about his feelings, and what his thoughts are about the relationship in the future. 

It is so important to give a guy space when he pulls away, for the simple reason that, to do the opposite will only push him further away!

Most men will end a good relationship when they feel pressured about moving the relationship further and faster than they are comfortable with. 

It does not matter if it is after a first date or if you have been in a full relationship for years. 

A man will still pull away if he feels like he is being pressured!

When a man pulls away, you really just need to bight your tongue and give him the space he needs.

By doing this, more often than not he will come back to you even closer than he was before! 

It is also common each time a guy becomes distant, and you give him space to deal with his emotions, that he will come back and move the relationship forward on his own!

He will give you and the relationship his uppermost commitment and devotion if he is not pressured, or if you don't become manipulative and start scheming!

So what happens after you have given him a bit of space?

Well this where the fun begins! There are several very powerful things you can do that will have your man committing to you for the future in a very short time after implementing them.

These techniques are not what you would find in your day to day dating advice. Hence why they are so successful.

Click below to watch the video and find out more!

Give Him Space

When A Guy Pulls Away What Does That Mean

When A Guy Pulls Away What Does That Mean

When a guy pulls away, you would think it would mean a whole raft of things. Well your in luck, more often then not it points back to a few themes that are common amongst all men!

First of all you need to understand this point;

Men are utterly hopeless at explaining what is going on inside of them!

To be honest I think that point was fairly common knowledge amongst women. But.... there is a problem associated with this, and that is;

Most women don't know what to do with a man who won't open up!

So now we know that, we can answer, when a guy pulls away what does that mean? 

Most women, because they don't know what to do with a man who won't open up, will more often than not start nagging, and pushing their man to start opening up with their feelings.

They will also start pressuring their guy to open up about moving the relationship forward.

This is very bad, but answers what it means when a guy pulls away.

When A Guy Pulls Away What Does It Mean?

Well it can almost be guaranteed that the man has gotten cold feet about moving the relationship forward.

This is NOT because he does not love you, or because he is not attracted to you. He truly does love you and truly is attracted to you. 

It is because he is feeling pressured from you about moving the relationship forward, and he is experiencing all these emotions that he needs to process.

All this backs him into a corner, and he panics ultimately causing him to pull away!

So that is what it means when a guy pulls away. 

The next thing to look at is what to do when your guy pulls away. 

Here is a GoAnimate video of an article about:

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

When A Guy Pulls Away What Do I Do?

When A Guy Pulls Away What Do I Do?

Almost on a weekly basis, magazines will try and tell you what to do when a guy pulls away. More often than not it will provide you with some manipulative method that will ensure you only push him further away. 


Well the first point I would like to make, and for you to let it truly sink in;

Men getting cold feet about moving the relationship forward is the biggest reason as to why men initiate a break up. 

So think about that for a moment.....

That being said, it should become obvious that if you were to become pushy and start scheming to manipulate your man into pushing your relationship forward. You will only pressure him and cause him to get cold feet!

So if your guy has already pulled away, the first thing you should do, is just respect his feelings and give him some space. 

If you are guilty of being pushy and manipulative, stop it straight away!

That is the first step to take, and you will most likely find that quite quickly you will find your man pulling back closer to you. 

This is where step two begins and the fun really starts. You can truly start moving your relationship forward and have his total commitment and devotion. But this time it is him taking the lead to move the relationship forward!

So when a guy pulls away what do I do? Take the first step, and give him some space.

Guy Pulls Away

Your Guy Pulls Away!

What Can You Do About It?

Well this is a situation that can go two ways! You either react and push him further away, or you step back, take actions that are not driven by emotion and pull him closer back to you.

A major problem that arises when your guy pulls away is your emotions more often than not will drive you to react.

This normally manifests in you becoming pushy and a we bit desperate in some cases, which only puts pressure on a guy forcing him to pull even further away. 

More often than not, most women will also follow "conventional wisdom" when it comes to dealing with men. This wisdom is fed to us by all those glossy women's magazines, and they do not have a clue about why a man really pulls away.

All they care about is selling more magazines!

So you are forever being to told that you need to behave like this or that, or to look like this famous person in order for you to finally be happy and have the relationship you desire.

Well I am here to tell you that you do deserve that relationship you so desire, and that when your guy pulls away, there is something you can do about it to pull him back in. 

It is just not what you think!

So when your guy pulls away, what can you do about it?

Well it is very simple!

The short version is, that you should just bite your tongue and give your man some space.

One of the main reasons why is that most men will end a relationship because they feel pressured into moving the relationship further forward than they are comfortable with.

Most men will take a bit of time to process their emotions, and then progress forward with the relationship. 

You just have to be patient with them and give them a bit of time.

Here is a fun video a friend of mine called David made to promote his website. You should check it out.